In light of COVID-19, NBCA continues to serve our churches by providing important resources information for pastors and churches.
Coronavirus and the Church Toolkit
This is a toolkit designed to assist churches, state conventions and associations in understanding the coronavirus and tools to assist them in moving their services and meetings to online platforms.
Coronavirus and the Church Toolkit
Tips for Pastors When Selecting an Online Platform
This eblast shares information with pastors on the different online platforms to have worship services and highlights the benefits and areas of concern when selecting one.
Tips for Pastors When Selecting an Online Platform
Managing Church Finances During the COVID-19 Crisis
This is a webinar with NBCA’s partner, Dr. DeForest B. Soaries, that shares strategies with pastors to assist them with managing their church finances during COVID-19.
Listen to the Webinar Recording
View the Webinar Presentation
Managing Anxiety & Stress During the COVID-19 Crisis
This webinar shares strategies for people as they deal with the financial stress that COVID-19 is causing.
Webinar link coming soon
Church Mortgages, Loans & Refinancing
This is a website from NBCA’s partner, Griffin Capital Fund, who is one of the church finance companies in the country.
Griffin Capital Fund
Blessed Communion
This is a website from NBCA’s partner, Blessed Communion, who provides fresh-refilled communion to churches. Please remember to use NBCA’s discount code NBCA17 to receive free shipping.
Blessed Communion
Endowed Giving
NBCA’s Endowed Giving Program is designed to help every church member, their family and their church family through providing access to proven, affordable and easy to use financial products. Establishing an endowed giving program for NBCA helps their churches far beyond the giving of an offering, the program creates positive and predictable financial impacts that help the churches plan and prepare for future generations.
Heritage Insures
CARES Act and Senator Tim Scott
This website shares important information regarding the CARES Act and how churches can benefit from the CARES Act bill that was passed.
CARES Act and Senator Tim Scott