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February 23-26, 2025Houston, Texas UNITED MID-WINTER BOARD MEETINGThe United Mid-Winter
February 23-26, 2025
Houston, Texas
The United Mid-Winter Board Meeting will take place on February 23-26, 2025 in Houston, Texas. It will begin Sunday night at 7:00 pm with a United Musical and will conclude on Wednesday night at 7:00 pm with Rev. William T. Glynn preaching. More information including registration, mini congress classes and week at a glance is forthcoming.
Intercontinental Hotel and Resort – 6750 Main Street, Houston, TX
Rates: King or Double; $189.00 per night. Note: When you go to reserve your room, it will show $204.00; however, there is a $15.00 resort fee that will be waived which brings it to $189.00 per night, plus tax. Deadline to make hotel reservation is Monday, January 20, 2025.
Click to make reservation
Pre-Registration is now open for the United Winter Board Meeting. We will be having Mini-Congress classes that are included in your registration cost, so please select your class when registering. We encourage you to pre-register, so we can have your registration bag and badge ready for you to pick up.
Individuals and Pastors – $200.00
Churches – $600.00
Associations – $600.00
State Conventions – $600.00
GIVE Partnership CONNECT is now open and you will have the option to select your Mini-Congress class at no additional cost. If you are in individual, church, association or state convention and current with your giving, please click the link below to CONNECT. Thank you for being a GIVE Partner!
Individuals and Pastors – No charge
Churches – No charge
Associations – No charge
State Conventions – No charge
Women’s Class: Building Your Confidence in Spiritual Leadership
Teacher: Sis. Jackie Robertson (TX)
Course Description: A practical tool for women who are called to leadership roles in any area of life, Entrusted to Lead offers biblical insight and real-life encouragement for how to navigate their leadership journey.
Pastor’s Class: Hope and Help for Pastors
Teacher: Rev. Kraig Pullam (TX)
Course Description: Many church leaders begin ministry with dreams of making an eternal impact. But years of striving, stress, and strain have left them feeling defeated, disillusioned, and stalled. There is hope that ministry can turn around for the discouraged pastor. The author reveals that God is not keeping score, It’s impossible for a pastor to let God down, and doing ministry from Jesus, not for Him, is a pastor’s key to a thriving church.
Class for Laymen: The Glory of God in Missions: Worship at the Heart of Evangelism
Teacher: Dr. Jacques Boyd (TN)
Description: In this class, we will explore evangelism’s biblical foundation and mission as it relates to the ultimate goal of bringing glory to God. Missions are not merely about spreading knowledge or establishing communities; at their core, they are a sacred calling to lead people into God’s worship and praise. We will dive into the Scriptures to understand how missions align with God’s ultimate purpose in creation — that all peoples might glorify him. Through a study of the Great Commission and key passages in the Old and New Testament, we will examine how missions foster a heart of worship, transform lives, and glorify God across cultures and nations.
Please click the link below to view the week at a glance.
Week at a glance
Click here to sign up to attend. Deadline to sign up is Tuesday, February 18, 2025
February 23, 2025 12:50 am – February 26, 2025 12:50 am(GMT-06:00)
Phone: (844) 610-6222
Fax 844-620-NBCA (6222)
Office of the Treasurer
Rev. Dr. F.D. Sampson
PO Box 21219
Houston, TX 77226-1219
Email: fdsamp1@vfminc.org
Phone: (713) 631-0753
NBCA Foreign Mission Board
c/o Rev. Dennis Jones
8775 Flagship Drive
Houston TX 77029
Office of the General Secretary
Rev. S.C. Dixon
3155 Victoria Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70805
Email: scdixon@gmombc.org
Phone: (225) 355-5155
Office of the President
Dr. Samuel C. Tolbert, Jr.
Temporary Address:
1917 Harless Street
Lake Charles, LA 70601
Email: info@nbcainc.com
Phone: 337-433-0122
Fax: 337-439-6119