Covenant Action Program ( CAP )
Churches, Associations, State Conventions are requested to commit at one of the levels:
DIAMOND:$500.00 PER MONTH (Includes Pastor, Church and up to 5 Delegates’ Registration at all three meetings)
SAPPHIRE:$400.00 PER MONTH (includes Pastor, Church, and up to 2 Delegates’ Registration at all three meetings)
RUBY:$300.00 PER MONTH (includes Pastor and Church Registration ONLY at all meetings)
OPAL:$200.00 PER MONTH (Includes Church Registration ONLY at all meetings)
TOPAZ:$100.00 PER MONTH (Pastor, Church and Delegates Registration NOT Included)
ONYX – For Individuals:$50.00 PER MONTH (Includes Layperson’s Individual Registration at all three meetings)